
Peabody Essex Museum

We worked with the Peabody Essex Museum’s generation of young donors to create a companion experience to their “Nature’s Nation” exhibit.  PEM’s exhibit explored the portrayal of nature in art over the last 300 years in the United States. In our Kingston 2219 experience, we explore VR and AR as a new art form that lets us talk about nature in new ways.
VR, AR, Unity development, 3D art, motion graphics, web development, creative direction, illustration, copywriting, instant fuji film.
The experience remodeled our loft space, inside and out.
Wharf Rats are slang for the lower caste in 2219 that lives near, on, or under the water in the ruins of our current buildings.

Spray paint stencils were created and sprayed both in the physical and virtual spaces. We encourage you to get lost.
Each event attendee was giving a unique character with a backstory.

This was accessed through an interactive id card. Over 100 characters were created for the event (pre Chat GPT)
With the touch of a button, a 2219 resident can change their living space.
In this case, the entire loft is remapped as a forest. This echoed PEM's exhibit which focused on bringing nature inside.
Food and drinks served at the experience also had back stories. Food wrappers in the experience could be used as solar wallpaper.
Users could snap instant fuji pictures in the virtual environment. These would be waiting for the user upon their return to the real world.